You complete me
Here's a pic of issue #1.
Anyway with a little luck I'll be able to complete this series before the end of the year. 2008 hasn't been my best year for completing series/runs. Of course the previous years were the salad years as was able to complete all the A-series. This year original art took most of my focus, time and not to mention money. But I've grown a little sour on art as the prices continue to soar into the stratosphere. So 2009 will hopefully see my return to the fold and will reap completed series galore.
I'm not sure, but the only series I think I completed this year was Captain America.
But I did start collecting a few other series/runs that I hoped to complete this year. Alas it was not to be, but I'm very close to some of them and maybe just maybe I can pull another rabbit out of the hat before the end of the year.
Here's a little breakdown
- Tales of Suspense - need 7 more issues to complete the series
- Incredible Hulk - need one more book to complete the series
- Journey into Mystery - need 10 more books to complete the series
And then of course there are the smaller runs I'm working on, but more about those in a later update.
Labels: Batman, Bronze Age, Captain America, comics, Comics Silver Age, Daredevil, Hulk, Iron Man, Journey into Mystery, Marvel, Tales of Suspense, Thor